Dynamic Precast Co. Retaining Walls are available in a variety of designs, colors and finishes. Both structural and gravity type walls are available, installed, or self-installed. They are aesthetically attractive, with a face finish in the form of many casted patterns. They can be finished along the face with paint, stucco, or natural stones.
In addition, nearly all of the Dynamic retaining walls are of the slim profile design, with no large spread footings to create construction and spacing problems. Utilizing drilled piers, many of our walls can be built in an entire horizontal footprint of little more than 1 foot in thickness.
Contact us at 707-573-1110 Dynamicprecast@aol.com and we will be happy to work with you on your specific project needs.


The new dynahold precast concrete retaining system lends itself very nicely to a situation where a structural wall is needed and where a normal spread footing creates a room problem. The dynahold system is a precast panel system which uses no columns, and is anchored into drilled vertical piers only 12” in diameter, and at every 4 ft. along the wall line.

Large Block

This newly popular gravity type wall is being utilized more and more by landscape architects since the advent of patterns on the face of the block. Standard on the Dynamic Large Block is a large cut stone pattern which gives a pleasing appearance to many applications where there is a larger area so the wall blends in and looks very natural.

Panel & Column

This system creates a very attractive and substantial structural retaining wall for walls up to 6 ft. high. No tie backs are needed. It can also be built to a higher height with tie backs and proper engineering, AND it can be constructed in conjunction with our Dynapanel wall system should a fence or soundwall/screenwall be required above the retaining portion.

Wood Pattern

This is a smaller modular structural wall system for those smaller area and situations where a wall up to 3 ft. high is needed. It has concrete posts on 4 ft centers, with 8 ft. long concrete “planks” laid up and epoxied to the back side of the posts. Very nice in earth one brown colors to create a very natural wood look for a low wall.

Concrete Lagging

Lagging is usually placed in the space between larger vertical I or W-BEAM soldier piles. It can also be used in slotted cast in place concrete columns. Dynamic lagging is made to order, with lengths varying from 4 to 10 ft, thickness to 10 in. and height of panels from 8” to 6 ft.